International Conference «Instabilities and Control of Excitable Networks.Focus on: Cardiac Biophysics and General Aspects of Excitable Media Self-organization»
Dolgoprudny, Moscow Area, RUSSIAMay 28 - 30, 2014
On behalf of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce that the International Conference «Instabilities and Control of Excitable Networks. Focus on: Cardiac Biophysics and General Aspects of Excitable Media Self-organization» will be held on May 28-30, 2014.
This is already the second conference on the subject, to be held at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The previous conference «Instabilities and Control of Excitable Networks: From macro- to nano-systems», held in May 2012 widely discussed similarities and common theoretical basis of the processes occurring in excitable networks of different nature from biological excitable tissues and chemical regulation networks to networks of information and socio-economic systems.
The conference is planned to be held on a bi-annual basis and, in general, is devoted to the problems of complex excitable network dynamics in physiology, biomedicine, physics, chemistry and social systems. The focus areas are specified for each Conference.
The main goal of the meeting is to advance interdisciplinary research and to create new cross-disciplinary links in Russia and abroad. We hope to bring together a diverse energetic group of researchers at different stages of their research careers, working in the field of self-organization in various systems, engineering of excitable biological tissues and control of excitable networks.
This year chosen focus area is Cardiac Biophysics, which includes topics related to arrhythmia control as well as cardiac tissue engineering. Along with purely biomedical research, considerable attention will be given to the conceptual problems arising in the study of self-organization phenomena in networked systems.
The conference will be held in the main building of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in Dolgoprudny campus.
INVITED SPEAKERSOur list of invited speakers includes (but is not limited to): T.Yamaguchi (Director, Nanosystem Research Institute AIST, Tsukuba, Japan) A. Pertsov (Professor, SUNY Upstate Med. Univ., NY, USA) A. Panfilov (Professor, Ghent Univ., Belgium) N. Bursac (Professor, Duke Univ., Durham, USA) W. Ebeling (Professor, Humboldt Univ., Berlin) Yu. Romanovsky (Professor, Moscow State Univ., Russia) I. Efimov (Professor, WUSTL, USA) E. Vigmond (Professor, University of Bordeaux, France) S. Shevkoplyas (Professor, University of Houston, USA) A. Kalinin (Professor, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russia) O. Mornev (Professor, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russia) A. Melkumyants (Professor, Russian Cardiology Research Center, Russia) G. Guria (Professor, National Research Center for Hematology, Russia) K. Agladze (Professor, Director, Life Science Center, MIPT, Russia)
PROGRAMM COMMITTEE 1. N.N. Kudryavtsev (Corr. Member of RAS, Rector of MIPT, Russia) 2. K.I. Agladze (Prof., Director of Life Science Center MIPT, Russia) 3. G. Guria (Professor, National Research Center for Hematology, Russia) 4. T.Yamaguchi (Director, Nanosystem Research Institute AIST, Tsukuba, Japan) 5. W. Ebeling (Professor, Humboldt Univ., Berlin) 6. I. Efimov (Professor, WUSTL, USA) 7. A.M. Pertsov (Professor, SUNY Upstate Med. Univ., NY, USA)
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 1. K.I. Agladze – Chairman 2. A.A. Muraviev 3. K.E. Zlobina 4. K.G. Guria 5. I.S. Erofeev 6. N.N. Kudryashova 7. I.A. Egorova 8. I.A. Romanetz
ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION Accommodation information for the invited speakers and participants is provided here: http://icenet2014.net/Accommodation
IMPORTANT DEADLINESTitle of the talk - March 30th, 2014 Confirmation of registration - April 7th, 2014 Abstract submission - April 14th, 2014
To confirm your participation, please download pre-registration form, fill it in and send to orgcom@icenet2014.net.